A story i couldn't resist sharing...
Last weekend my brother Dave got a puck right in the eye while playing hockey with no face mask...so to all of you who have husbands that play without one make sure they get one now. Anyway. the bad part was he was close to losing sight in that eye, but his son Max who is McKenna's age (3) brought some light to the situation. He was playing on the living room floor and yelling at Dave, "DAD WATCH ME" and repeated that a few times. Noticing that he was being ignored he said " DAD WATCH ME WITH YOUR ONE EYE" Hee hee! I just think that without kids we would all be miserable creatures amoungst one another. :) But Dave is now recovering well and has about 50% vision back in his eye so let's all hope he recovers fully soon.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Jamison William...
I can't find the words for this one.
Let's vote is it you tube worthy or not???
Don't mind Corey's camera skills... :)
Oh the memories!
Jamison's extemely distant cousin...

Don't even ask me to try to figure out how these two are related but somewhere in the blood they are. I see the resemblence.
So who are they you ask. Jamison and Bradley.
Bradley is Carolynn and Bruce P.'s FIRST Great-Grandson.
He is such a honey and we were so excited to meet him when we were there for thanksgiving.
Our princess...
Tis is Christmas morning and McKenna did not dress in this in the morning, SHE WENT TO SLEEP IN IT. Since we spent the week and Jaedon's house she has been begging for a princess dress, so Grandma and Papa H. got her one complete with the crown and shoes. She is so thrilled. Needless to say i wasn't too thrilled this morning when she woke up in it covered in puke. So yes we have the flu bug but it goes fast so hopefully it will run it's course in the next couple days through the house and be done.
Corey's Christmas Panukukua
Sending out a special thank you...
Isn't Christmas grand?
The story behind the crazy hair...
Miss Jersi went through a (short) stage...which to me seemed like a lifetime of pulling our her own hair. and when she finished that, this is what we ended up with. Corey named it the 80's rockstar look. Well in the end her hair is growing in quite thick and even, but am i glad my mom thought to capture a picture of this!

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